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open class ValidatedChoiceList<T> @JvmOverloads constructor(defaultValues: List<T>, choices: List<T>, handler: EntryHandler<T>, translationProvider: BiFunction<T, String, MutableText> = BiFunction { t, _ -> t.transLit(t.toString()) }, descriptionProvider: BiFunction<T, String, Text> = BiFunction { t, _ -> t.descLit("") }, widgetType: ValidatedChoiceList.WidgetType = WidgetType.POPUP) : ValidatedField<List<T>> , List<T>
A validated collection of choices of any type that can be enabled or disabled piece-meal.
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open class ValidatedIdentifierMap<V>(defaultValue: Map<Identifier, V>, keyHandler: ValidatedIdentifier, valueHandler: Entry<V, *>) : ValidatedField<Map<Identifier, V>> , Map<Identifier, V>
A Validated Map with Identifier Keys
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